COVID-19 Disinfection | Stop The Spread Of Covid-19

COVID-19 Disinfection:

Cleaning service Edmonton

Helping to stop the spread of Covid-19

Now, thanks to the novel Coronavirus, cleaning is more important than it has ever been in our lifetimes. You need more than just a surface-level clean. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re offering sanitization services for home and commercial properties.

Get 15% Off Your First Month of Covid-19 Disinfection Services!

Green2clean uses portable sprayer to kill COVID-19 on contact! Beyond traditional janitorial
services to reduce the risk of spreading the viruses via surface-to-human interaction. Our
disinfectant product and methods is 99.9% effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. We
understand what it takes to provide a meticulous and thorough program to mitigate the
risk of infection for both your employees and members of the public

Our special service can be delivered as a one-off or in addition to our regular cleaning service.
Our systematic approach ensures that every frequently touched surface within a confined
area is disinfected. We’re committed to our responsive, reliable service, and you can book our
special service only a day or two in advance.

Steps we take:

1. Assessment: Visit workplace and customize check list for service and learn about unique
2. Safety is our top priority: Our team wears the proper PPE for every job and is educated
on proper procedures and protocols.
3. Our crew uses a one-in-one-out system to decrease the risk of person-to-person
4. We communicate with your staff. After every shift, our crew sign off on every area using our company customized check list for every client throughout the workplace. Where we provide accountability measures to ensure no surface is missed and work is complete.